Do you know what would happen to your kids in the event anything ever happened to you?
It’s a tough question. Maybe you’ve just started to think about it. Maybe you’ve thought about it a lot but aren’t sure what to do next. Maybe you’ve even taken steps to put a plan in place to protect your kids. Wherever you are at in the process of protecting your kids, there are common mistakes smart parents make when answering this question – even if they previously worked with an attorney.
For example:
- Why naming a couple to act as the guardians of your kids is one of the most frequent mistakes smart parents make.
- If you make this common mistake, your kids could end up in child protective services – foster care – while a judge decides who your children’s guardian should be, even if you already named long-term guardians in your will.
- Make this common mistake and your guardians may have to go to court in order to make decisions for your kids in an emergency, and what you can do to make sure this never happens.
- Why if you make this common mistake, your family could spend years fighting in court.
And many more.
If you would like to avoid common mistakes smart parents make when naming guardians for your children, just download this free guide. In it, you will learn common mistakes smart parents make when naming guardians for their kids, as well as steps you can take to make sure your kids will always be raised by who you want, how you want, and protected in the way you would want in the event anything ever happened to you.
You can download the free guide here and we will send you a link by e-mail. After you order the guide, just look for the link, click it and you will get the free guide.
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