We like to make sure our clients are fully educated about their options. You need to understand the basics of how Minnesota estate planning and business services work. We've compiled links to reliable and informative websites for you to browse and find the answers you are looking for.

Estate Planning

Protecting Your Pets

  • Pet Trust Bill Introduced in Minnesota

    State Rep. Matt Dean (R-Dellwood) and Sen. Scott Dibble (DFL-Minneapolis) have recently introduced legislation that would help facilitate pet trusts in Minnesota. Currently, 47 states allow pet trusts. Chuck was interviewed by CityPages for this article.

  • Minnesota is 1 of only 4 States Without Statutory Pet Trust Laws

    Most states have laws that allow pet owners to provide for their pets after the owner's death by including a pet trust provision in the will. Minnesota is one of only four states that does not have a Statutory Pet Trust law, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

    In Minnesota, it is recommended that pet owners provide for their pets outside of the will, for example with a stand-alone pet trust. 

Business Services
