If you are here that probably means you have some questions about what type of business to use for real estate investing here in Minnesota, whether that is buying and flipping houses, developing land or for buying and renting homes, townhouses, condos or apartment buildings. First, you need to know that there are two reasons for starting a business: One is a liability shield; Two is taxes. By properly setting up and maintaining a company, whether that is a C corporation, S corporation or a limited liability company, an LLC, you can protect your personal assets from creditors of your business. A corporation and an LLC, while there are some differences in how their liability shields work, will protect your assets if set up and maintained properly. The differences, and which one you choose, usually come down to the tax differences between them and which one will give you the greatest tax benefits. Having said that, for any type of real estate investment, a limited liability company, LLC, is usually gives you the best tax benefits.