In the ever-changing world of law, there are always new developments to stay aware of. As a Minnesota and Florida financial services lawyer, it's our job to keep on top of things and provide you with the most relevant information. Be sure to read our regularly updated blog to learn about our personal take on estate planning and business services.
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“What Rights Do Creditors Have Against an Estate?”Are you concerned about creditors taking part of your estate when you're gone? Attorney Chuck Roulet explains what you need to know about creditors rights.
Warning: Good Credit Doesn’t Mean Your Nest Egg Is Safe from Creditors!Estate lawyer Chuck Roulet explains why good credit won't necessarily protect your assets and shares a real solution for protection.
Four Reasons to Consider Setting Up a TrustA trust can be a valuable tool in estate planning. Trust lawyers at Roulet Law share reasons why you may benefit from setting up a trust.
Five Considerations for Single ParentsEstate planning attorney Chuck Roulet shares important advice for single parents plannng for their children's future.
Special Needs Planning with a Financial GuardianshipAttorney Chuck Roulet shows you how a financial guardianship can be a helpful tool in your special needs planning for your adult child with disabilities.
Estate Planning Attorney Asks, “Are You Ready to Get Your Affairs in Order?”Estate planning attorney Chuck Roulet helps outlines how to get your affairs in order now easily before the unexpected happens.
How to Plan with a Revocable Living TrustRevocable Living Trusts are often misunderstoon. Trust attorneys at Roulet Law explain how they work as a part of your overall estate plan.
How to Use Annuities to Plan for MedicaidElder law attotney Chuck Roulet explains how annuities can be used as a tool in your long-term care planning.
When Should I Create an Estate Plan?Wondering whether or not you need an estate plan? Attorney Chuck Roulet discusses estate planning and when you should begin to create a plan.
Will and Trust Lawyer: How to Ensure Your Home Is Passed onto Your ChildrenEstate Planning attorney Chuck Roulet advises on how to properly pass your home on to your children in the most secure way.
How Long Does It Take to Go Through Probate?Probate is a lengthy and complicated process. Attorney Chuck Roulet explains how it works and what you can expect.
Businesses Looking for Commercial Real EstateCommercial Real Estate
Estate Attorneys Discuss Five Common Mistakes People Make During Estate PlanningMistakes are regularly made when estate plans are created. Estate attorneys at Roulet Law help you avoid the most common issues.
Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid When You Make a Living TrustEstate attorney Chuck Roulet cautions about common mistakes made when creating a Living Trust as part of your estate plan.
Everything You Need to Know About Prepaid FuneralsEstate administration lawyers at Roulet Law Firm explain the why's and how's of prepaying for your funeral and what to be aware of.
Cryptocurrency and Estate Planning: How to Make Sure Your Digital Assets Pass to Your Loved OnesDo you have digital assets? Estate planning attorney Chuck Roulet explains why it's important to include them in your estate plan.
#FreeBrittney and Conservatorships: When and Why They are NeededGuardianship lawyer Chuck Roulet explains how guardianships work and how to know if one is right for your situation.
Estate Planning Lawyers Explain the Basics of a Pour-Over WillFew people are familiar with a Pour-Over Will, which your estate planning lawyer may use if your plan also includes a living trust. Attorney Chuck Roulet explains how and when a Pour-Over Will is used.
How to Convince Your Spouse to Meet with an Estate Planning LawyerSometimes it takes a little convincing to get the other spouse on board with estate planning. Will lawyer Chuck Roulet shares advice.
Will Lawyers Answer, “What is a Roth IRA and Why is It Good for Estate Planning?”Estate lawyers at Roulet Law explain how a Roth IRA can be an important part of your overall estate plan.